It is allowed to make digital photographs of Allard Pierson material, provided that no rights are violated and the condition of the material makes it possible.
Digital reproductions of material from the Allard Pierson can be ordered, provided that no rights are violated and the condition of the material makes it possible. Request digital reproductions of printed works from before 1900 using the request link (request digitization) in CataloguePlus. If reproductions cannot be requested via CataloguePlus use the contact form.
As a UvA-student or staff member or if you are not affiliated to the UvA.
Standard reproductions of material cost €15 per item, with a maximum of €150 per book to be digitized. Reproductions are always in Tiff format (300 dpi). Payment can be made by iDeal or credit card for online requests. An invoice will be sent for all other requests. Custom work is possible. The delivery time for some reproductions is fourteen days. The delivery time for the digitization of a complete book is determined in consultation.
Digital reproductions may only be published if the source is credited as follows: Allard Pierson – the Collections of the University of Amsterdam, shelf mark/location number, and a specimen copy is sent to the Research Room in the case of a printed publication.