Etruscan cabinet
Inspired by an Etruscan tomb…
From about 1000 to 30 BC, the Etruscans inhabit that part of Italy we now call Tuscany and western Umbria, between the Tiber and Arno rivers. Earthenware utensils, bronze statues, implements and sculptures offer insight into this remarkable culture.
Excavations and research into their temples, cities and especially their necropolises (cities of the dead) enable us to read their language, offering us insight into their social networks and the power structures among them.
The Etruscan Cabinet looks like an Etruscan grave and alludes to the festive meals with wine and music held in honour of the deceased. The Etruscans often leave the tableware behind in the grave after the meal. A wonderful selection of this excavated material is on display in the Etruscan Cabinet.